Have you ever wondered what kind of face shape you have? This post is all about finding out how to correctly identify your face shape.
Round Face Shape:
Round faces are typically pretty symmetrical.
Your face is about the same length and width.
Cheekbones aren't very prominent with a round face.
Round faces have no major angles or edges.

Celebrities with round face shape.
Square Face Shape:
Forehead, cheekbones, and jaw are the same width but the jaw will have sharp angles to it.
They are similar to round face shapes but square face shapes have a more wide and pronounced jawline.
Square face has minimal curves to it.

Celebrities with square face shapes.
Diamond Face Shape:
Diamond face shape has a narrow forehead and a small chin.
Cheekbones are the widest part of your face and will sit nice and high.
Your forehead won't be as wide as a heart shaped face.

Celebrities with diamond face shapes.
Heart Face Shape:
Typically has a wider, larger forehead and the face gets more angled towards the chin leading to a point.
They are similar in appearance to a round face shape, but they have a wider forehead.
They have a slender jawline and the cheekbones and foreheads are the widest part of the face.

Celebrities with heart face shapes.
Oval/Oblong Face Shape:
An oval/long face is longer than it is wide.
They also have a round chin and jawline.
The forehead will typically be the widest part of the face.

Celebrities with oval/oblong face shapes.
Rectangle Face Shape:
This shape is a hybrid of the oval/oblong shape and square shape.
They have a square jaw and a face that is longer than it is wide.
They also have a high forehead.

Celebrities with a rectangle face shape.